Sbahle Mpisane waits for no one to celebrate her, as she took to social media celebrating herself by making herself Woman Crush Wednesday #WCW.
The fitness bunnie has revealed how brave she is as she faced death last year but overcame as she was involved in a ghastly car accident which caused her to be in coma for 3 weeks and spent 4 months hospitalized.
While she celebrates herself, she retrospected on how she threaded the healing journey with the help of her family. She resorted to embracing her pain and tough filled days and finding purpose.
“It might seem a bit vain, but I am my own #WCW this week.
After 3 weeks of being in a coma, waking up to a body at almost 80% broken in bones, God protected my spine. With no memory, of not just the accident but of most of the last two years being blurry. In total I spent 4 months in hospital. Today I walked out of a weeklong stay in hospital hopeful and filled with faith. The road has been lonely, but I am forever thankful for the love of my family and your continual support & prayers.
“I have come to embrace the tough & pain filled days. I have learnt to make a map of them, by sitting & growing with them. I view the accident as a human experience I needed to become more than a daughter of my parents, a girlfriend to… and even more than #FitnessBunnie Rediscovering myself is such a humbling journey. I am learning to celebrate myself without awaiting anyone to do so. My slow walk towards my happy ending is not about anyone and has NO Prince Charming. With God by my side, I am becoming my own completion on a path searching for my purpose that He spared my life for. It’s a long road ahead…” Sbahle shared.