Actress Letoya Makhane takes us down memory lane to when she was a singer in a girls group.
Letoya shared snap of the girl’s group and shared alongside her post that they successfully released 2 studio albums titled Pampiri and The Party Goes On, before the untimely death of their mother which caused the group walk off their dream.
However, she’s revealed that she’s set to start a journey back the stage to be a singer with the help of her father and family.
“Before I was an actress, I was a singer in a girl group called s’Kool Girlz. After releasing 2studio albums, “Pampiri” and “The Party Goes On”, our moms untimely death made it very hard for us to get back on stage without our biggest supporter right there!” She said.
“Today as I get ready to begin my journey back on to stage, I have to do it without my sisters, but knowing that my mom’s spirit never left us is the most comforting thing in the world! I’m blessed beyond blessed to still be on this journey with my dad @blondiemakhene who happens to also be my producer and knowing that I’ve got so much support from my family and all of you is EVERYTHING! Thanks a million times over for your love and support through my journey of life!” Letoya added.