
Thickleeyonce reveals being traumatised after car crash – “My heart sinks every single time”


Vlogger and photographer, Thickleeyonce is still traumatized after surviving accident which occurred in November, 2019.

The star explained on Twitter the pains she’s going through emotionally, as she journeys through healing.

“I can’t wait for my wound to heal. It’s the most uncomfortable thing ever, I think it’s cos it’s under my armpit. The pain also, I can’t wait to be able to sleep like a normal person! I still can’t sleep on my sides. I hate it. Omg!”

“I pass the spot where my accident happened every single day [cause it’s close by to my place]. And my heart sinks every single time. Phew it’s a lot!”

Afterwards, some of her followers gave some advise, which she wasn’t so cool with.

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