Moozlie, Sizwe Dhlomo, Boity and Major League DJz are heartbroken over the unpleasant things happening in South Africa.
The recent murder of the pregnant woman, Tshego, got lots of people furious.
Boity and Moozlie expressed their anger over the ill treatment women experience.
“Why the politicians always gotta go to the funerals and do all that talking? Can’t they go talk to the brothers that are killing us rather?? Let those people mourn in peace,” Moozlie tweeted.
“Stop asking women what they are doing about the GBV pandemic. It’s not up to the victims to protest for change! This is not our problem! WTF!” Boity tweeted.
“Men. So typical. Up in arms and swearing at me because I called y’all trash. But barely flinching a muscle about the DAILY killings of women. *yawn* Bore me more,” Boity added.
All I can tell you guys is that good times are coming… Trust me!
— Sizwe Dhlomo (@SizweDhlomo) June 10, 2020
Sad times 😔
— Pianochella 🎹🐐 (@MAJORLEAGUEDJZ) June 11, 2020
Why the politicians always gotta go to the funerals and do all that talking? Can’t they go talk to the brothers that are killing us rather?? Let those people mourn in peace😔💔
— #ImAStar OUT NOW !!! (@nomoozlie) June 11, 2020
Blocked a bunch of them the other day & told them to go suck their own dicks. 1 even came to find me on Instagram, what a killer supporting loser🙄
— #ImAStar OUT NOW !!! (@nomoozlie) June 11, 2020