
5 impressive health benefits of Hemp seeds



Hemp seeds come from a controversial cannabis plant. Instead of getting you high, they deliver a blast of essential nutrients and potential benefits for your heart, brain, and skin.

Due to its association with the recreational drug marijuana, many people have a negative opinion about the hemp plant and related products. While it is true that both hemp and marijuana come from the same plant species – Cannabis Sativa L. – there are some important differences between the two.

Hemp plants and marijuana plants, though they come from the same species, are cultivated very differently. Hemp plants are grown for their seeds and fiber while marijuana plants are cultivated for their THC content.

The seeds of the hemp plant consist primarily of essential fatty acids as well as protein, fiber, and other nutrients. These seeds also contain the cannabinoid known as cannabidiol, but it doesn’t have any effect on your conscious state.

Here are the 5 impressive health benefits of hemp seed below:

1. Rich in essential nutrient

The myriad health benefits of hemp seeds are related to their nutritional content. The shelled seeds of the hemp plant contain about 35 per cent essential fatty acids and 33 per cent plant protein. These seeds contain all nine essential amino acids and they are an abundant source of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA) as well as dietary fiber.

2. May reduce the risk for heart disease

Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer worldwide but consuming these little seeds could reduce your risk. These seeds are particularly rich in the amino acid arginine which plays a role in the body’s production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide causes the blood vessels to dilate and relax which lowers blood pressure and reduces your risk for heart disease.

3. Support healthy weight loss

Due to their content of dietary fats and fiber, these seeds may help you to feel fuller longer, repressing your appetite in support of your weight loss goals. Just keep in mind that, due to their fat content, these seeds are fairly high in calories.

4. Aid healthy digestion

In addition to their protein and fat content, the seeds of the hemp plant are also rich in dietary fiber – both soluble and insoluble. Soluble fiber from these seeds can add bulk to your stools, helping to keep your digestion regular. The mixture of soluble and insoluble fiber also aids the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut which supports healthy digestion as well as a strong immune system.

5. Improve hair, skin, and nail health

Hemp seeds contain more than 30 per cent fat and they are particularly rich in alpha-linolenic acid (omega-3) and linoleic acid (omega-6). These oils are frequently used in cosmetics because they have the ability to penetrate through layers of skin to promote cell growth. Consuming these seeds can help to repair and moisturize dry and damaged skin – they also support healthy hair and nails.