Keeping your immune system strong is one of the most important and impactful things you can do right now, as the coronavirus pandemic continues.
But bolstering immunity is a two-sided coin: it’s about choosing foods that help support immune function, while sidestepping behaviors that can weaken immunity.
Here are six habits to be mindful of as you work on boosting your body’s defenses:
1. Not eating enough green veggies
Green veggies may be particularly helpful for immunity. These plants provide key nutrients known to help immune function, including vitamins A and C, plus folate. Greens also offer bioactive compounds that release a chemical signal that optimizes immunity in the gut, the location of 70-80% of immune cells.
For the most benefit, zero in specifically on green veggies in the cruciferous family, which include kale, collards, broccoli, bok choy, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts. Incorporate at least three cups per week—either raw, like kale salad, vinegary slaw, and fresh broccoli florets with dip, or steamed, sautéed, oven roasted, and stir-fried versions.
2. Skimping on fiber
Fiber supports good digestive health and helps to shift the makeup of gut bacteria in ways that enhance both immunity and mood. Research shows that a higher intake of dietary fiber and prebiotics supports healthier immune function, including protection against viruses. Adequate fiber also promotes more and better sleep.
The best way to upgrade your fiber intake is to eat more whole foods, including vegetables, fruit, whole grains, pulses (beans, lentils, peas, chickpeas) nuts, and seeds. Trade lower-fiber processed foods for fiber-rich unprocessed fare. Swap sugary cereal for oatmeal topped with fruit and nuts, exchange white rice for brown or wild.
3. Overdoing caffeine intake
Coffee and tea are health-protective, due to their high levels of antioxidants linked to anti-inflammation. However, too much caffeine can interfere with sleep, and that result can increase inflammation and compromise immunity.
To best support immune function, ditch caffeinated drinks with no nutrients made with sugar or artificial sweeteners, like soda and energy drinks. When you do enjoy coffee and tea, be sure to cut off your caffeine intake at least six hours before bedtime to prevent sleep interference.
4. Consuming excess sugar
Cutting back on excess added sugar is a smart idea for a number of reasons, including good mental health. It’s also beneficial for immune support.
A study found that after an overnight fast, humans fed 100 grams of sugar experienced a reduction in the ability of immune cells to engulf bacteria. The greatest effects were found between one and two hours later, but lingered for up to five hours.
This doesn’t mean you have to nix sugar completely, but avoiding an ongoing surplus or short-term overindulgence is a worthwhile goal. The American Heart Association recommends limiting added sugar—the kind added to foods by you or a manufacturer—to no more than six teaspoons worth per day for women, and nine for men.
5. Going overboard with salt
A study conducted in both humans and mice concluded that too much salt may lead to immune deficiencies. Researchers found that when the kidneys excrete excess sodium, a domino effect occurs that reduces the body’s ability to fight bacterial infections.
6. Drinking too much alcohol
A glass of wine here and there can be a healthy way to get through this crisis. But excessive alcohol consumption, even short-term, can alter your immune system in ways that are particularly important right now.
Researchers note that there’s been a long-observed relationship between excessive alcohol intake and a weakened immune response. The effect includes an increased susceptibility to pneumonia, and a greater likelihood of developing acute respiratory stress syndromes (ARDS)—factors that could potentially impact Covid-19 outcomes. Other outcomes observed involve an increased risk of sepsis, a higher incidence of postoperative complications, poor wound healing, and a slower and less complete recovery from infections.