Guava is a fruit that is a powerhouse of nutrients. It is rich in nutrients like vitamin A, C and E, magnesium, fibre, potassium, manganese, phosphorus and antioxidants.
Guava juice is a rich source of vitamin C and keeps your body hydrated. It has many health benefits including improving the digestive process.
Since the commercial version of this juice is often filled with artificial flavours and sweeteners, it is always better to make this juice at home.
To make guava juice at home, roughly chop the guavas into small pieces and put them in a blender along with some sugar and water. Strain this juice and add ice cubes and garnish with mint leaves.
Here are the 5 incredible health benefits of Guava juice:
1. Weight loss
Guavas are nutritious while being low in calories. Therefore, to get essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals, one can drink this juice every day without any guilt of increasing the calorie intake.
2. Boosts immunity
Guava juice is rich in vitamin C that helps in strengthening the immune system and keeping diseases at bay. It is also effective in curing a cold and cough. Drinking guava juice aids the body in fighting infections and boosts immunity.
3. Cures diarrhoea
It is rich in nutrients like vitamin C and potassium and has antimicrobial properties. These properties can help in alleviating the symptoms of digestive disorders like Diarrhoea.
4. Reduces stress and anxiety
Packed with magnesium which relaxes the muscles of your body, guava juice is said to be effective in releasing stress and tension. It also significantly helps in reducing anxiety and uneasiness.
5. Healthy skin
Guava juice is rich in vitamins and minerals that nourish the skin and keeps it healthy and glowing. The antibacterial properties present in