
5 natural ways to overcome erectile dysfunction



Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a huge challenge for many men today regardless of their age. Having erection trouble infrequently isn’t necessarily a cause for concern.

However, if erectile dysfunction is an ongoing issue, however, it can cause stress, affect your self-confidence and contribute to relationship problems.

Because erectile dysfunction may be caused by many factors, a health condition, emotional or relationship problems, some kinds of medication, smoking, drugs, or alcohol, an erectile dysfunction cure is possible.

Erectile dysfunction symptoms might include persistent:

  • Trouble getting an erection
  • Trouble keeping an erection
  • Reduced sexual desire

Whilst pharmaceutical companies have a whole host of drugs that they claim cure erectile dysfunction, there are also a number of alternative, natural solutions.

Here are 5 natural ways to combat erectile dysfunction.

Erectile dysfunction can occur as a side effect of medication taken for another health condition. Common culprits are high blood pressure meds, antidepressants, some diuretics, beta-blockers, heart medication, cholesterol meds, antipsychotic drugs, hormone drugs, corticosteroids, chemotherapy, and medication for male pattern baldness, among others.

If you think your medication might be causing ED, talk to your doctor, but do not stop taking it on your own.

The foods you eat can have a direct impact on erectile dysfunction. A diet rich in fruit, veggies, whole grains, and fish, and with fewer servings of red meat and refined grains, decreases the risk for ED. A healthy diet also helps to maintain a healthy body weight, which is important because men who have a 42-inch waist are 50 percent more likely to have ED than men with a 32-inch waist.

3. Take some ‘herbal viagra’

Ginseng, specifically “red ginseng,” is known as the “herbal Viagra” that helps puts to rest men’s bedroom woes. Red ginseng is when the root has been steamed and then dried. The ginseng root is the part of the plant that is mostly used as a natural remedy when in its supplement form. However, the plant must be grown for a minimum of five years before it can be used.

A cold slice of watermelon can do more than just satisfy hunger during hot days, it can help with bedroom satisfaction. Citrulline, the amino acid found in high concentrations of watermelon, is found to improve blood flow to the penis. Natural watermelon juice, or “nature’s Viagra,” can also be easier on the stomach, since taking pills like Viagra can cause nausea and diarrhea.

Poor sleep patterns can be a contributing factor for erectile dysfunction. One study emphasised the intricate relationship between the level of sex hormones like testosterone, sexual function, and sleep, noting that testosterone levels increase with improved sleep, and lower levels are associated with sexual dysfunction.

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