
6 ways to bring romance back into your marriage



The success of an intimate relationship in many ways is contingent on the ability of the couple to imbibe romance or romantic practices.

Romance in marriage, if non-existent gradually chips away the strength of that relationship and in time lead to infidelity and resentment.

So, if you want to know how you can rekindle the passion in your marriage, you’re not alone. Many couples find that intimacy, passion, and romance in marriage seem to dissipate over time.

Bringing romance back into a marriage or getting the romance back in your marriage is not a difficult endeavor. All you need is the willing to keep trying and not give up.

1. Make quality time

It may be self-evident to state that married couples trying to improve romance in marriage do actually have to spend some time together. Sometimes it is as simple as prioritizing scheduled time that is reserved just for your partner.

2. Reminisce together

Looking at old pictures or simply recalling memories of the good old times—when the relationship is new and filled with passion- it brings nostalgia around and rekindle the good old feelings.

3. Improve your appearance

All too often, as they get used to one another, spouses may put less effort into their own appearances than they did during courtship. You can probably remember a time when you dressed better, wore perfume, and put up your hair each day. In general, you had better hygiene and groomed yourself regularly; your appearance was impeccable.

4. Kiss

Experts say that the kiss creates sexual energy through the release of powerful endorphins produced by the exchange of saliva, and that the act of kissing alone promotes fondness, admiration, and fosters the creation of a special bond, or feelings of connectedness. Kiss often, and take your time doing it.

5. Date

If the previous strategies have not helped you to understand how to bring passion back into a relationship then lest try another. A weekly date night is one way to maintain your bond and make your time together count.

6. Sex – Prioritize it, change it

Often times when a couple is struggling to rekindle the romance in marriage, sex is the first thing to be put on hold. Before you know it a lack of sexual intimacy only furthers the damage that your relationship has already suffered.

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