In a world full of chemical-based skin care products, beauty hacks, homemade face masks, home remedies for skin woes, etc.,
it’s only normal that you get tempted and give these above-mentioned things a try.
Although the increasing awareness about the chemicals present in skin care products may have made women resort to natural, homemade ingredients more often, not all of them are deemed to be safe.
Whether you choose chemical-based cosmetics or not – you must know what is good for your face and what’s not!
For healthy skin, there are a few things that shouldn’t be applied on your face. Do you want to know what these ingredients are? Find out!
1. Body lotion
Body lotion is the first thing on our list because we know many people use it frequently on their face when they run out of face creams or sunscreen. Most people slather it on their face thinking that all skincare products are the same, but that’s not true! Body lotions are thicker, oilier, and more fragrant than actual face creams, which are formulated for use on your facial skin. Applying these on your face can lead to allergic reactions and breakouts.
2. Sugar
Sugar is commonly used in DIY scrubs for the face and other areas on your body. But using sugar as an exfoliant on your face can be abrasive for your skin. It can scratch your soft skin, causing micro-tears, so it’s best avoided.
3. Hot water
Just as you wouldn’t use hot water to wash your hair, don’t use it on your face either. A steam facial works in favour of your skin, but it should not be replaced with hot water, as hot water can lead to the loss of moisture from the outermost layer of your skin, making it dry. You can wash your face with lukewarm water, or opt for a steam facial.
4. Lemon
You all know what you have to do when life gives you lemons – yes, that’s right – make lemonade! However, what you shouldn’t be doing is rubbing slices of lemon on your face! Lemons have many benefits, but applying its juice on your face won’t do you any good. Lemons contain a chemical called psoralen, which can make your skin sensitive to light. If you go out after applying lemon juice on your face, it can cause irritation or even burn your skin. It would be better to stick to potato or tomato slices.
5. Toothpaste
Many people apply toothpaste on their face to get rid of blackheads and zits, but it’s not recommended at all, as it can lead to the development of burns or infections on the affected area. In fact, your pimples may just look a bit too red after having toothpaste dabbed on them. So, from now on, use toothpaste only on your teeth, where it’s meant to be used, and not on your face!
6. Baking soda
Baking soda is one of the most versatile ingredients found in a kitchen. From baking cakes to cleaning bathroom grout – we use baking soda for a lot of things. And its multipurpose nature also makes us use it on our face to get rid of acne or for opening up our pores. If you are also someone who uses it on your face, then it’s time to stop! Baking soda is highly alkaline in nature, and rubbing it on your face can diminish the pH balance of your skin, making it dry.
7. Coconut oil
Now this one is especially for people with oily skin. Similar to body lotion, coconut oil is viscous, which is why the skin on our face takes time to absorb it. This leads to the oil clogging your pores, leading to breakouts and acne. So, if you are keen on using oils on your face, use olive oil, but in limited quantities. You can pour a few drops of olive oil on to a cotton ball and gently apply it on your face.