
10 things you need to do the night before your wedding



The night before your wedding is such an exciting time – your big day has almost arrived! But you need to make sure you spend this time wisely, as there’s a lot to consider.

By looking after yourself the night before your wedding, you’ll wake up feeling your best and totally refreshed.

We’ve rounded up the 18 essential things you must do the night before your wedding, so you can really make the most of it.

1. Set Aside Some Time with Your Partner

If you’re following the wedding tradition that the couple spend the night before the wedding apart, then make sure you set aside a little bit of time that day or evening to just be together. Go for a walk, or have a lovely lunch together and savour that feeling of ‘the next time we see each other, we’ll be getting married!’

2. Open Your Night Before the Wedding Gifts

Yes, this is a thing! Plan to exchange a cute wedding gift with your partner – it could even just be a handwritten letter – to open and enjoy the night before your wedding. Why not write a list of all the reasons why you can’t wait to marry them?

3. Clean Your Engagement Ring

It’s super easy to clean your engagement ring at home, so make sure you give it a polish the night before your wedding. That way it’ll look at its very best paired next to your fancy wedding ring in all your photos!

4. Pamper Yourself

Now is not the time to try out that new face mask you’ve read about, just in case you have a reaction! But have a lovely bath and use products you know you’re okay with, to give yourself some time and headspace to relax.

5. Get Your Nails Done

Treat yourself to a luxury one that involves a little hand massage and some nice moisturiser if you can, so your hands are at their very best ready for their close up.

6. Read Through Your Speeches and Vows

If you’re giving a speech, now is the time to read through it again, and the same goes for your vows. A couple of calm, leisurely read-throughs will ensure you feel confident and capable when it comes to saying them aloud on the big day.

7. Check Everything is Ready

What do you need? Dress, shoes, particular bridal underwear? Make sure you have everything ready and you know exactly where it is to avoid any last minute panics on the morning of your wedding. Make sure your partner does the same too – you don’t want any panicked calls interrupting your getting ready vibes on the morning of your wedding!

8. Turn Off Your Phone

Have a switched off evening – give people your maid of honour’s phone number for emergencies so she can field any urgent calls, but stay off social, give yourself a break from group chats and most importantly – do not check your work email! Taking a break from your device will help you to feel more relaxed.

9. Eat (Reasonably) Healthy

It can be tempting, especially if you’ve got all the girls over for a sleepover, to order a big, greasy Pepperoni Passion. But you will not feel your best after doing it – no one wants to wake up at 3am on their wedding day feeling dehydrated and greasy.

10. Drink Some Water

Yes, have a glass or two of bubbly – it is your wedding eve! But don’t go crazy – you do not want to be hungover, and the more hydrated you are, the better you’ll look and feel.

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