
7 alcoholic beverages for people with diabetes



Can people with diabetes drink alcoholic beverages like beer and red wine? Yes…. Some alcoholic beverages can be consumed by diabetics who wish to consume them.

Let us see a list of alcoholic beverages, even diabetics wishing to drink alcohol may take according to the health authority.

1. Red wine

Red wine is popular because of the antioxidants and flavonoids it contains. It is believed to have the ability of reducing a person’s risk of getting diabetes if taken moderately.

Even people suffering from diabetes may also consume them moderately. Moderate consumption of red wine is one drink or less for women and two drinks or less for men.

A drink is equal to 5 fluid ounces( 150 ml)of wine 12 percent alcohol. Red wine contains about 3.8 g of carbs per drink serving.

2. White wine

White wine may not have as much health benefits as red wine and many people believe that they are high sugar drinks, but they do not contain much carbs.

White wine contains almost the same amount of carbs as red wine. However if you are looking for white wine with the least amount of carbs, go for extra dry champagne which may have about 1. 7 g of carbs for 150 ml serving.

Brut and extra Brut champagne is another white wine with minimal amount of carbs. A 150 ml serving may contain about 1..7 g to 0.8 g of carbs respectively.

3. Busch beers

Busch beers generally are low carb drinks even those not branded as low carb for instance a 360 ml serving of regular Busch contains about 7 g of carbs. Busch ice and Busch light provide 4.2 g and 3.2 g of carbs respectively. for a 360 ml serving.

4. Bud lite

Another beer that provides less than 5 g of carbs per serving is Bud lite.

5. Coors lite

This is another American favorite beer suitable for people with diabetes. This is because it provides about 5 g of carbs for a 360 ml serving.

6. Miller lite

This is an American style lager beer made with barley malt and corn syrup. It provides about 3.2 g of carbs in a 12 ounce serving. People with diabetes may enjoy it because of its low carb serving.

7. Gin, Rum, Vodka or Whiskey

These are spirits and they contain 0 g of carbs. The danger in taking these drinks if you have diabetes is that they may cause low blood sugar levels ( hypoglycemia).

This situation may arise more when you drink them on an empty stomach or when they are mixed with other drinks.

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