Trevor Noah to become a father and husband someday
Trever Noah opens up about his desire to marry and father children someday.
The SA-born star was on Meghan Markle’s Archetypes podcast; his episode is titled Man-ifesting A Cultural Shift with Trevor Noah.
Trevor spoke passionately about becoming a father; he says it’s going to be an amazing journey.
“Yeah, I’d love to. I think it would be a fascinating journey to be on.”
Speaking about what type of father he would be, the comedian said: “I would hope to be the kind of dad where my kid goes ‘this was a human being who loved me and cared for me and helped prepare me for the world but also appreciated me because they brought me into the world.”
“I want to be the kind of dad who appreciates the human being that I brought into the world. I think sometimes parents can be a****** and like ‘I brought you into this world… yeah I didn’t ask you to’. You need to relax with that. So, I would hope to be a dad who is soft and tough, and fun and stern. Someone who wants the best for my child and also isn’t afraid to engage with the child in me,” he added.
Trevor Noah says he thinks he will marry, and he goes on to explain what type of husband his wife should expect.