
7 reasons to avoid a public marriage proposal



In romantic relationships, one of the most anticipated moments is the marriage proposal.

For ladies especially, after this happens, it is time you flaunt your ring to friends to show to them that you are officially out of the ‘singles market’ and for guys, it is the time you show your total commitment to your  partner.

We have seen a number of instances where public marriage proposals go wrong for reasons best known to the parties involved.

But regardless of such reasons, the man in such situation can never forget in a jiffy the public embarrassment they experienced on such day.

In order to avoid public embarrassment, below are reasons you should avoid a public marriage proposal.

1. A proposal is not an end in itself  

The fact that a lady accepts your marriage proposal doesn’t automatically mean that both of you will get married. There are instances where engaged partners get separated a few weeks or days to their wedding ceremony.

Thus, avoiding a public marriage proposal will help you get over the pain or disappointment in case things do not work out as planned in the relationship.

2. No plan of settling down in sight 

It is advisable you avoid a public marriage proposal because your partner in question may just be having a fling with you and nothing more. Some ladies that being in a relationship is a game and so they do not see the need for commitment. Now imagine proposing to such individual, and the response they will give.

Also, some ladies do not have plans to settle down yet. To them, there are other important things such as career, education,  money, to focus on rather than marriage.

3. Lack of ability to handle public attention

If you’re truly in a relationship where communication is key, you should be able to decipher if your lady will love a public or private marriage proposal.

There are some ladies who do not like being made the focus of attention in the public space.  Such individuals love everything about their lives being private. If your partner falls in this category, you should definitely know that a public marriage proposal will be a wrong choice.

4. In case you are not her first choice

In today’s world, some ladies have more than one partner. They double date because they feel the opposite sex are not to be trusted and they do not want to lose out in the end. That is, if Mr X leaves the relationship,  Mr Y will be a back up plan.

So, with the increase in the rate of double or triple dating as the case may be, avoid making a public marriage proposal because you cannot be sure that you are the only one she is with, neither are you  her first choice.

5. Social media  

The rate at which news spread on social media is very fast. Making a public marriage proposal may not be the best option because should in case you get a rejection, the news will spread like wild fire to people you are familiar with and those you are not.

You can also read up how to dress well for a proposal

6. To avoid dramas 

Having a public marriage proposal can cause a lot of drama. In situations where either of your exes are coincidentally present in that environment,  they can decide to make a public display.

If for instance, one of your exes hasn’t gotten over your separation with them,  he or she can decide to make a scene to disrupt the proposal in order to get even with you.

7. Privacy  

Making a public marriage proposal attracts people’s attention to you and your partner. Some individuals who do not have  important things to do with their life may begin to monitor you both and this is not safe.

Making a private proposal helps to keep your affairs private and from the gaze of people who may not have your best interest at heart.

In all, ensure that before you go ahead with a public marriage proposal, you ask relevant questions and make your due diligence to know if your partner truly loves you and is ready for such commitment at the time. Also seek their opinion on the type of marriage proposal they want.