Here are some subtle things you might learn about yourself from experiences that go down in the Direct Messages arena.
Unlike dating apps and sites where expectations are a bit set, social media has a more friendly atmosphere.
That atmosphere also lends to a sense of familiarity which mighr bring some shocks to those looking for love or a connection.
1. Attitude towards dating/relationships
The way you approach someone in the DMs says a lot about your knowledge, attitude and experience with dating or relationships.
At this point, it is largely understood that opening with sexual text, extremely forward statements or complimenting physical appearance is self-sabotage.
Carelessly sliding in DMs like bait hoping to catch ‘one’ should tell you something as should multiple fails.
2. Where you are in your life
Sliding into DMs means you spend enough time on the platform to the point of developing interest in someone.
It also means that you are going to spend more to keep up the talking stage before things progress. You’re probably ready to pursue a relationship or at least try your luck.
3. Patience
First time contacts probably get the least attention, unless otherwise. Regardless, forming a connection in DMs requires a bit of patience. Coupled with the right amount of go-getter, it can be a nice blend. Or it simply isn’t your style.
Constantly contacting the person with little response from them migt not work out for you. Letting that fact get to you will make things worse. You will learn your patience levels.
4. Hobbies and interests
Finding something to connect over is one of the most recommended ways to approach.
You will most likely know what you actually find interesting or what you consider your hobby, if you take this approach.
Even the ‘fake’ hobby you choose to impress her might turn into a real hobby.
5. How you handle rejection
There are two worst case final resorts when rejection happens in the DMs. Sending an avalanche of unanswered messages and ranting on the timeline.
While others simply move on.
Receiving a cold shoulder or being blocked in the privacy of the DMs might reveal how you move on or hold on.
6. How you handle failure
There is no way to stop the little flicker of expectation for how it might work out. If doesn’t live up to expectation or simply fails to go anywhere, it might sting.
Especially for the people who become excited about someone. That excitement might be badly interpreted resulting in being blocked, considered a stalker, among others.
7. Authenticity
If you care what people think of you, you might be hesitant to slide into DMs. You might read up on how to slide into DMs and try all tactics to score.
Or it might come naturally and easily no matter what comes of it.