
Here’s why you should avoid having instant noodles



Instant noodles are delicious, and as the name suggests, they can be made in an instant.

They double as a snack that delivers taste and convenience, and statistics are proof that instant noodles are a popular product.

And with a low selling price, people of all economic strata can afford it. Many concerns have been raised in the past regarding its effect on health and weather it is actually safe to consume.

Today, we will take a look at the effects of instant noodles and why you must avoid eating it.

1. High in​ MSG

Most instant noodles brands contain monosodium glutamate (MSG), an additive used to enhance the flavour of food. Studies have shown that consuming excess MSG can have detrimental effects such as weight gain, increased blood pressure, negative impact on the brain, and headaches.

2, ​It is addictive

Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to stop at just one packet of instant noodles. Although they are delicious, they are also highly addictive, and what causes the addiction is none other than MSG. The additive is chemically synthesized and can trigger the pleasure centers of the brain, making you want more. This can lead to addictive behaviours like having withdrawal symptoms and can increase the risk of other MSG-related conditions.

3. ​Low in nutrition

A lot of people replace proper meals with instant noodles, and this might be of grave concern as it provides you with a whole lot of calories, sugar, saturated fat, and practically no protein or fiber. A proper meal is usually loaded with nutrients, so by replacing it with instant noodles you are depriving your body of essential nutrients that help with the functioning of cells and tissues.

4. High in sodium

Instant noodles are loaded with sodium, and an excess of sodium is linked with many serious conditions like high blood pressure, stroke, heart failure, kidney stones, and stomach cancer.

5. ​It may contain contaminants

Many instant noodles samples have been tested positive for containing excessive traces of heavy metals like lead, mercury, arsenic, and copper. The FSSAI permits these metals only upto a certain quantity, and with good reason too. Consuming unhealthy levels can lead to metal poisoning that can have dire consequences like organ damage, behavioral changes, and deterioration of cognitive abilities.

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