• For the fermentation, keep the canister in a cool and dark place for at least 11 days. You can also cover it with a cloth.
  • Make sure you open the container every day and stir it a bit with a wooden spoon at the same time, every day. If you don’t mix it, the wine might turn sour.
  • Now on the 12th day, strain the wine into wine bottles and close them with lids or cork.
  • Your homemade fruit wine is now ready.
  • You will get a cloudy wine after 12 days, which will not only taste good but also smell aromatic.
  • You can store the wine bottles for more days if you want clearer wine. With time, the texture of the wine will become clearer.


  • Make sure you always use a wooden spoon while mixing the wine. Using a metal spoon might react with the yeast present in the wine.
  • Always use a glass container for fermenting the wine. Containers of any other substance won’t work that well.
  • Before proceeding with the method, make sure all your containers and other equipment are sterilized. You can buy a wine bottle sanitizer from the bottle or just clean them properly with a mild dish cleaner before usage.
  • If you want a mild wine, then you can skip adding whole wheat grains. These grains are only added to make the wine stronger.