
Shocking! 8 crazy things people used for contraception



Oral contraceptives, condoms, intra-uterine devices, timing the intercourse right are some of the accepted contraception methods.

Barring the last one, they all ensure safety and protection not only from unwanted pregnancies but from STDs as well.

Yet some people get crazily innovative in spinning wild contraceptions. Here are some that will leave you shocked beyond belief.

1. Shoving lemon into the vagina

Yes, this citrus fruit is also used as a contraceptive. In the 18th century, some women started to insert half a lemon into their vagina. They believe that the citric component in the lemon would kill sperms.

2. Squat with sneeze

You’d be surprised to know that some women actually get into a squat position after sex and then get into a sneeze-like action to push the semen out. Yes, this weird technique seems to work for some.

3. Penis stickers

A new penis sticker hit the market, claiming to be a convenient and safe way to avoid pregnancy. The sticker is put on urethras before engaging in sex and is believed that it stops the semen from coming out.

4. Coke

Yes, this fizzy drink of yours was used to kill sperms in the vagina back in 1960s. Women used to build enough pressure in a coke bottle and then aimed it at their vagina. In fact it was believed that diet coke was most effective of all.

5. Pig intestines

Yes, you read that right. Before latex was invented, men used pig intestines for protection. You’d be shocked to know that back in the 16th century, men even reused them by soaking them in milk.

6. Drinking pennyroyal toxic tea

Many women used this tea to abort or induce menstruation. The flip side is that it is a toxic tea and can even lead to organ failure in some cases.

7. Snow therapy

Women used to lie down in the snow for an extended period of time to cause abortion. Not to forget, it can indeed be a fatal technique!

8. Applying cleaning agent

Lysol, a concentrated germ killer that’s used to clean toilets (and even homes) was used as a spermicide in 1900s. It led to certain unfortunate deaths before people actually realised that it wasn’t supposed to be near your vagina anywhere.