7 surprising ways you could get pregnant
You may think you know all about effective protection, but don’t forget there are ways we don’t know that could lead to an accidental pregnancy.
The following is a list of scenarios where an unprotected sex can land you in hot water.
Many think that anal sex is oft a way to have condom-less sex without fearing pregnancy. Though it is true for most of the cases but there are still significant chances that the ejaculated sperms land up near the opening of the vagina.
Research shows that a sperm can live in the uterus for five days. If you have sex towards the end of your period and you ovulate early, you could get pregnant.
Just because he pulled out in time doesn’t mean you cannot get pregnant. Sperms can enter the vagina even before the man ejaculates through the pre-ejaculate. The pre-ejaculate does not by itself contain sperms but can carry some left over sperms from a previous ejaculation which lay in the urinary tract.
If there is not enough room for the ejaculated sperm in the condom, sperm may slip out or tear the condom.
Many believe that breastfeeding suppresses ovulation, which it does, but that doesn’t mean that you cannot get pregnant. Many couples have a second baby within a year of the first. Doesn’t this make it clear already?
This is strange. And rare. But happens and is called superfetation. If you have unprotected sex while you are already pregnant and ovulating, a second egg can get fertilized. This will lead to a second pregnancy.
Though dry humping doesn’t include penetration and ideally, no body fluids should be exchanged, there is still a chance of you getting pregnant. The man’s sperm can land anywhere near the opening of the vagina and all hell will break loose.