Babies and the thought of being pregnant can be anything but a blessing when unexpected. Regardless of whether you hear “Congratulations, mama!” or “Oh my God, what do we do?” it’s necessary to be aware of the signs your body might be giving you regarding a potential pregnancy.
Should you take a pregnancy test, purchase a test strip, or hope the situation resolves itself?
What are the signs that indicate you should take a pregnancy test as soon as possible? Here are some signs you should watch out for.
1. Missed period
If you’ve missed your period, whether due to forgetting your pill, not realising a condom broke, or sincerely hoping to conceive, it’s advisable to take a pregnancy test. Tests can detect pregnancy from the first day of a missed period. If you’re not ready to visit a hospital for testing, it’s a well-established fact that home tests are almost 99% effective when used correctly. You can easily buy a pregnancy test kit over the counter and get tested in the comfort of your own home.
Also, keep in mind that factors other than pregnancy, such as stress, medical conditions, dietary changes, or birth control, can cause delays or missed periods. Before jumping to conclusions, consult a doctor to rule out other potential causes.
2. Breast changes
Pregnancy is one of the reasons why your breasts give you different unusual sensations. As your body produces more estrogen and progesterone to support the baby’s growth, you may experience breast tenderness, swelling, alterations in nipple colour, and increased sensitivity during early pregnancy. Your breasts may feel tender and appear larger due to increased blood flow.
These changes are also common in the days leading up to your period, so they may not necessarily mean you’re pregnant. To be sure, consider taking a pregnancy test.
3. Cramps
Abdominal cramps are common during your period but what do you make of cramps without any bleeding? It’s important to understand that implantation can produce sensations similar to menstrual cramps.
In early pregnancy, you may feel this discomfort and think your period is just around the corner, only to find it never comes. This is because the uterus is beginning to stretch in preparation for the growing fetus.
When you feel these sensations, it’s a sign that you should consider taking a pregnancy test.