Most people consume much more sugar than recommended.

Too much sugar can cause inflammation in the body, which can lead to various other health issues including weight gain. That is why excessive sugar detox has become a popular thing.

Sugar detox as the name suggests is a detox where you try to get rid of the extra sugar from the body. Though not all sugar is bad.

Sugar that occurs naturally in fruits, vegetables, grains and dairy is actually good for health.

Health issues arrive when most of the sugar we consume comes from added sugar like that in cookies, bread, cakes, plant-based milk, namkeen and more.

A sugar detox can help one get rid of added sugar from the body. A sugar detox is when you abstain from having added sugar for at least a week to one month in order to curb sugar cravings and improve overall health.

How to do a sugar detox?

There is no hard and fast rule when it comes to sugar detoxes. The only focus should be on cutting the added sugar from the diet. One must avoid sugary soda, desserts, processed foods and ketchup.

Too much sugar in the body can lead to heart disease, cancer and inflammation. While one might not see instant results in cutting back on sugar, it impacts your health in a positive way in the long run.

One should try at least one to two week of sugar detox. The goal of a sugar detox is to reassess your relationship with sugar in the long term. Once the detox is completed, one can start by reintroducing sugar in small amounts in their diets (in natural forms). Reducing added sugar intake can lead to multiple health benefits overtimes. Some of the common benefits include:

Benefits of sugar detox

1. It helps you cut back on calories and helps you lose weight

2. Decreases sugar cravings

3. Decreases one’s a risk of developing chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes

4. Improves your oral health by reducing cavities, tooth discolouration and bad breath

A 2014 study found that people who consumed between 17 per cent to 21 per cent of their total daily calories from added sugar had a 38 per cent greater risk of dying from heart disease than people who consumed less added sugar, which is around 8 per cent of their total calorie intake.

​Symptoms of sugar withdrawal

Cutting on sugar can be harder than it seems. Many people start feeling sugar cravings and withdrawal symptoms. People trying to give up sugar have similar withdrawal symptoms as seen in those quitting nicotine.

Sugar contains dopamine and opioids in the brain, both of which have addictive potential. When you reduce your sugar cravings, your brains crave extra opioids and dopamine, resulting in withdrawal symptoms.

​Symptoms of sugar withdrawal include:

– Headaches

– Dizziness

– Irritability

Sugar withdrawal symptoms can last from a few days to a week. Here are the steps you can take to mitigate them:

  • Eat breakfast

Eating a breakfast rich in proteins, complex carbohydrate, fibre-rich foods and healthy fats can keep the blood sugar levels balanced and prevent sugar cravings throughout the day.

  • Start slow

If it is too difficult for you to quit sugar, it’s best to start slow. You can have a couple of teaspoon of added sugar if you can stop there.

  • Eat healthy fats

Healthy fats like nuts and fatty fish can help reduce cravings for sugary foods. Add nut butter to your diet and add avocado to your lunch.

  • Add protein

Adding extra protein to your diet keeps you fuller for longer and reduces food cravings. A 2017 study found that people with type two diabetes found a low carbohydrate, fat, high-fibre and protein-rich diet to increase their feeling of fullness and reduce sugar cravings.

  • Snack on fruit

Natural sugars found in fruits like berries, watermelon and bananas and can help satisfy your sweet tooth. Opt for foods that give you sweetness along with fibre to keep and help in keeping the blood sugar level steady.

  • Swap your drinks

Having fruit drinks and other packaged beverages can be a sneaky source of added sugar. Replace your colas and sodas with unsweetened tea or just plain water.

  • Stay hydrated

Dehydration can exacerbate sugar cravings. Make sure to drink at least 3 to 4 litres of water per day.