
10 most stressful jobs in South Africa



A survey conducted by pharmaceutical firm Pharma Dynamics reveals which careers rank among the most stressful.

Almost  2000 respondents living and working in South Africa participated in the online survey, which aimed to measure job-related stress based on several stress triggers.

These include factors such as the physical and mental demands of a job, deadlines, how much travelling is required, whether it entails working long hours, being exposed to public scrutiny, dealing with conflict and generally what type of risks are associated with various professions.

To some, certain occupations might not appear to be stressful, while actually they are. Sitting behind a desk all day might seem like a cosy job, but many white-collar jobs can produce an enormous amount of stress.

The top 10 most stressful jobs based on the poll are:

1. Pilot

2. Hair stylist

3. Farmer

4. Film director

5. Nurse

6. Police officer

7. Corporate executive

8. Chief executive

9. Doctor

10. Singer

Some stress-busting measures include:

* Walking away when you are angry before reacting.

* Exercising increases the production of endorphins which will give your mood an instant boost.

* Resting your mind by turning off multi-media devices completely or at least limiting screen time.

* Reaching out to friends and family by letting them know you’re having a tough time at work.

* Making time for enjoyable activities every day.

* Getting enough sleep – at least seven to eight hours a night.