Every parent tries to inculcate good morals and discipline in their kids.

Given that it is valid for them to expect their kids to respect others and acts responsibly.

So, it is not difficult to imagine how disheartened it would be for them to learn that their kids are labelled as a bully or have been reported for bullying others.

It would indeed make them furious and take rash action to correct their kid’s behaviours.

Whether the bullying is physical or verbal, it should be stopped at the right time, but acting impetuously could make the situation even more complex.

Why do kids bully?

If you really want to discipline your kid, your first need to understand the hidden reasons behind their actions. That is the one way to correct this behavioural issue once and for all. From jealously to peer pressure, kids bully for varied reasons. Once you know the reason, it would become easy for you to correct them. Given are some reasons why kids bully others:

1. Power

It is not only adults who are hungry for power and want to establish their dominance over others, little ones too are victims of it. Kids who want to be in control and feel powerless in real life generally tend to bully others. This gives them an adrenaline rush and makes them feel superior to their peer. They may interact with others only when their terms are met, else ignore or resort to bullying.

2. ​Popularity

Kids also have this misconception that having an intimidating effect on others will make them popular in this friend circle or school. Bullying can be a symbol of social status, where popular kids suppress the ones that are unpopular or introverts to gain social power and gain more limelight in the school. They also might bully to tarnish others social status.

3. Peer pressure

Sometimes kids are coerced by their friends or social groups to torment a specific person. They may do it willingly to prove to others that they are cool and can be included in the circle. Judging, passing comments and even physical abuse, they can go to any length to fit in and get recognition. They generally do it from the fear of not being accepted and becoming a target themselves.

4. ​Family issues

Kids who have a difficult childhood are mostly engaged in the act of bullying. Those who come from an abusive family or have a rough childhood or are neglected by their parents bully to calm their aggression. Picking on others makes them feel powerful and in control. It can also be a way to cover their low self-esteem.

5. Pleasure

For some kids, bullying is just a source of entertainment for the time when they are bored or have nothing in hand to do. They do not have any specific reasons to bully others but like how things play out and people around them praise them for it. They can also do it due to a lack of empathy.

​How to help your kids stop being a bully

Understand the reasons can help you a lot to pick up the right way to correct your kid’s behaviour. Some kids learn their lesson easily while for others you need to take strong measures. Depending on how severe your kid’s offence is and the real reason behind it, you can choose from the following options to stop them.

Talk to them: If you have come to know from someone that your kid is a bully do not brush the matter under the carpet. This would encourage them to continue with their bad behaviour toward others. Confront them and make them explain that their conduct is unacceptable.

Other ways to handle the situation

Set the rule: Make it clear for them the consequence of bullying anyone in the future and stick to it. If you would act leniently, they would repeat their actions, scorning your warning.

Teach them to respect others: From an early age, teach your kids to respect others, give space and even in case of disagreement honour other people’s opinions.

Seek help: Bullying is a serious behavioural problem and if your kid repeats the act, do not hesitate from seeking a professional’s help. It is only for the betterment of your child.