
Gogo Maweni denies using dark money rituals on her clients


Gogo Maweni denies using dark powers on her clients following the innovation of cash candles.

The Sangoma shared videos of the pink cash candles on her Instagram page and it’s raised suspicions.

Speaking to TshishaLIVE, Maweni said that putting cash inside the candles is a bright idea and nothing beyond the ordinary.

“I am most probably the most spoken-about traditional healer in South Africa so I am not going to defend myself over nonsense. When I spoke about people giving out money, I said some people. Because I know people are doing that does not mean I am doing that.”

“I am a businesswoman, I’m a traditionalist and inyanga. I always come up with ways that would combine traditional ways and Western ways.”

Maweni said she put a R10,000 slip in one of her candles up for grabs, and there would be no witchcraft attached to it because the winner would receive the money via EFT.

“The cash candles are something that helps people eradicate bad omens and spirits in the home. The ingredients put in the candle are like ibaso. I figured let me do something clever and put money in the candles. There is money from R5 to R10,000. One has a slip for R10,000 and they need to call me to tell me they’ve won the R10,000.”

The traditional healer says she’s unbothered about what people are saying as they will always talk.

“Each to their own. People always talk. I’m not new to these kind of conversations or these words being thrown around. It does not stop me from doing what I do. There are people who believe in me. I’ve helped a lot of people.”


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