Do you often hit the pillow right after eating a lavish dinner and wonder why you are still gaining weight?

Then you need to stop and read on! Well, your dinner and post dinner habits can make or break your weight loss goals.

Thus, it is important to switch to some healthy practices to follow after dinner for better weight management.

1. ​​Eat light​

The first and foremost rule to stay in shape is to avoid eating too heavy or rich meals for dinner as they take a long time to digest and lead to discomfort, which further gradually leads to accumulation of fat around the waist.

2. Practice gap ​

Yes, according to health experts it is important to maintain a healthy gap of at least two hours between dinner and bedtime, this ensures better absorption of nutrients from foods and effective weight management and sleep.

3. ​​Do not sleep​

Yes, sleeping right after eating a heavy meal can pave the way for indigestion, discomfort and sleeplessness. What’s more, eating a rich meal raises body temperature and interferes with the sleep cycle.

4. ​​Limit late night eating​

Taming late night hunger pangs can be a tough deal, especially, if you are someone who stays up late and eating at odd hours can impact insulin levels, triglyceride levels, which further leads to weight gain around the abdomen and increases the risk of cardiac ailments.

5. ​​Switch to bedtime drinks​

If you still feel hungry after a hearty dinner, the best way to fix this odd hunger pang is by sipping on a light herbal tea like chamomile tea, turmeric drink or ashwagandha drink after dinner, these blend will not only help in weight loss, but at the same time will induce sleep.