We often buy a week’s vegetables & fruits due to busy lifestyle, and put them together in the fridge. Mostly, we do it due to lack of time and store them together.

It’s a common notion that people believe when you put the vegetables in fridge, they remain fresh for a longer duration and can saved from rotting.

But, many don’t know that there are some fruits and vegetables, which if kept together can make other vegetables & fruit spoil earlier than you thought.

This happens as fruits & vegetables have different types of enzymes and chemicals which if kept together, can make the other start rotting quickly.

In such a situation, it becomes important for everyone to know what kind of vegetables and fruits should be kept separately.

Take a look.

1. Keeping broccoli with fruits

If we talk about broccoli, then it is ethylene sensitive. If you keep it with fruits like apples, figs and grapes, then its life is reduced by 50 percent. By keeping this in the fridge, broccoli can remain fresh for two or three days only.

2. Keep leafy vegetables away from fruits

Leafy vegetables are available in abundance in this season. If you keep them with fruits containing ethylene like watermelon, grapes, apples, then they will start rotting quickly.

3. Gourd should also be kept separately

Bottle gourd starts becoming available as soon as the summer season arrives. They should not be kept in a basket with fruits such as apples, grapes, figs and pears. If you keep them together then bottle gourd will spoil quickly.

4. Keeping cabbage fresh

Cabbage needs fresh air to keep it fresh. So never keep it with ethylene producing fruits like apple, melon, kiwi.