
Former Idols SA star, Princess McDonald robbed at home


Princess McDonald opens up about a recent robbery attack she experienced while at home.

The former Idols SA star said she’s never been robbed or mugged before, but she’s excited that no harm was done to her.

Princess was alone at home when the hideous incident happened around 4:30 pm.

“I live with someone but he was not home. We use a remote to get into the property. The two guys managed to get inside the property and knocked at the door. When I asked who was at the door and tried to check, they said they were looking for someone. They mentioned a name I don’t know,” she said.

The robbers gained access into the house and she cooperated while watch them go away with valuables.

“They then opened the burglar door and told me to sit in the room and relax and they would not harm me,” she added. The robbers took her cell phone, TV and other valuable items. She does not suspect anyone would harm her.

“I live in the main house and we have tenants living at the back. The robbers did not go to the back, they ended up here in the house with me. I just feel like they knew what they wanted and came with intention. I do not feel safe at all,” she said.

“It’s a horrible experience. You don’t know what will happen to you, whether they will harm you or not.”