
5 things you should keep hidden from the world, as per psychology



In today’s oversharing culture, where personal and intimate details are publicly displayed for the world to see, and offer judgments with just a click, keeping some parts of your life hidden has become crucial.

Be it social media or real life, oversharing can prove to be incredibly dangerous and might put you in a vulnerable and compromising situation.

While it can provide you with incredible satisfaction and a dopamine hit, getting those likes and comments, it’s also important to understand that some things are just for you, and not for the world to know!

Keeping this in mind, today we are going to explore this critical subject in-depth and learn about 5 things that you should keep hidden from the world, while also understanding the severe consequences of revealing them.

1. ​Intimate relationship issues

Revealing issues and conflicts you’re facing in your relationship and intimate connections should always be kept hidden from the world. It can be difficult to resist, not sharing details about the problems you’re going through in your romantic relationship, but it’s important to understand that sharing in-depth details about it could potentially cause even further issues, and might have significant consequences. When you talk about your relationship problems publicly or with friends, it can lead to gossip and misunderstandings, affecting the privacy of your intimate affairs.

​2. Fears and insecurities

Fears and insecurities must always be kept hidden from the world, even your friends and relatives. Sharing personal insecurities makes you vulnerable and in worst-case scenarios, might be even used against you. While it’s natural to have these emotions and want to share them with your close ones to seek support and reassurance, revealing them to the wrong people can be incredibly harmful and sabotaging. One might easily use this information to manipulate or exploit you, leading to challenging situations.

3. ​Past regrets

Discussing your past regrets, and grudges can portray you as an immensely negative and bitter person. While it is natural to have past conflicts and issues, dwelling often about them publicly, with new people or even your close ones constantly could influence how they perceive you and behave towards you. The constant rant about your grudges could further create annoyance and frustration with whom you’re discussing, leading to straining relationships.

4. ​Political and religious views

Individuals have different perspectives and viewpoints on subjects like religion and politics. As these topics are generally considered critical and sensitive, it’s always preferable to keep them hidden. Engaging in intense discussions about your personal religious beliefs and political opinions could rapidly convert into heated arguments and debates, ultimately dividing people based on differing views and might even lead to strained relationships.

5. ​Financial details

Talking about your financial situation, be it what you are earning at the moment, your debts, major purchases, or even your investments can immensely impact the way other people perceive you. It can cause a wide variety of situations such as leading you to be judged, facing unwanted comparisons, and resentment towards you.