
3 road trip scenarios and how to deal with them



Road trips can get tricky and isn’t all sunshine and rainbows; travellers are bound to make mistakes along the way.

If you are planning a road trip for the upcoming December holiday, here are some tips on how to not screw it up.

In this article, we show you three road trip scenarios and how to deal with them

1. Fuel up

Scenario: You are close to your holiday destination when the fuel light appears. It says that you have 40 kilometres left before you run out of fuel. As your destination is close by, you decide to continue driving. Soon, your car comes to a halt, and you are left stranded in the middle of nowhere.

Lesson learned: Always ensure that there is fuel in your vehicle. Being stranded in an unfamiliar destination brings its challenges, including being a target of crime.

2. Don’t drink and drive

Scenario: You indulge in a beer for lunch. You tell yourself that one beer won’t do any harm and get behind the wheel. As you drive towards your destination, there is a roadblock. Police officers test you via breathalyser and find that you are under the influence of alcohol. You end up being fined or taken to jail.

Lesson learned: As tempting as a drink with your mates may sound, do not take the risk if you are the designated driver. You can enjoy any alcoholic beverage you desire once you are safe and sound at your destination.

3. Know the route

Scenario: You are en route to your travel destination, but the GPS has taken you to a dingy and deserted area. It takes you hours before you navigate towards your desired destination.

Lesson learned: Always have a backup plan. Never be reliant on your navigational system. Always carry a map.