
5 ways ‘no-screen’ days can strengthen your relationship



Your screen addiction or dependence may be damaging your relationships in more ways than you thought.

The compulsive need to stay glued to your screens can create emotional distance between partners.

When you are mentally occupied in ‘doomscrolling’ or social media memes, you have little time to engage in meaningful conversations with your partner, which can lead to misunderstandings and fights.

You may not consciously realise, but lack of quality time with your partner could be silently eroding the foundation of your relationship.

If you too are finding yourself in the clutches of technology and increased screen time, it’s time to go ‘screen-free’ whenever possible to experience these positive effects on your relationship.

Here are 5 ways going screen-free can rescue your relationship:

1. You begin to have more conversations

While excess screen time leaves you with no time to interact with each other, having no-screen days give you the opportunity to have hearty conversations over tea, coffee or evening walks.

2. You get more ‘we time’

Amid our busy daily routines, finding time for each other can be challenging. However, reducing screen time offers a valuable opportunity to reconnect and enjoy more meaningful moments together as a couple, strengthening your relationship in the process.

3. You bond over indoor games and quizzes

When you go screen-free as a couple, you create more opportunities to engage in meaningful interactions, such as playing indoor games or taking quizzes together. These activities not only strengthen your connection but also add a playful element to your relationship, helping you build memories and enjoy each other’s company without the constant distraction of screens.

4. Your partner feels more respected

Phubbing or the practice of ignoring someone or your partner to concentrate on your mobile phone can have a negative effect on relationships. But ditching your phone for focussing on your partner’s needs can have a magical effect on your bond. This would make them feel special and respected.

5. You move in together emotionally

When we spend most of our time glued to screens, we grow emotionally distant. Despite living under the same roof, the connection weakens as we become more absorbed in our digital worlds than in each other. By reducing screen time, couples can reconnect on a deeper emotional level, fostering a sense of closeness and understanding that strengthens the relationship.