
TikTok Star Asanda Msomi recounts traumatic kidnapping and robbery by Bolt driver


TikTok sensation Asanda kidnapped and robbed

TikTok sensation Asanda Msomi recounts his experience after being kidnapped and robbed by a bolt driver in Durban.

In a video shared on TikTok he said the incident happened a few days ago after he requested a ride from his student residence to the university campus.

Sadly, the driver drove past his destination, taking him to Mayville where he was confronted by a group of four to five men.

“They forced me into one of the shacks, where one of them strangled me and warned me not to make noise,” Asanda said.

He said the attackers then took his phone, covered him with a pillow, and demanded his bank PIN, transferring money from his account.

He was also asked to lure gay people who had money, but he refused.

“I think they had me in that house for two to three hours. They told me that they would let me go but would keep my phone. I have never experienced anything like this in my entire life,” he said.