
What is contra-dating and how can it help find the perfect parter?



Moving away from what one may call ‘first instinct’, a new dating trend encourages people to be counter-intuitive and go for romantic choices that aren’t obvious or different from one’s normal type.
Finding love isn’t easy and many people look for familiarity or common ground in their potential partners.

Going on a date with a person who shares common hobbies, temperament, and work background, feels safe, compared to someone who’s of opposite nature, has different hobbies and background.

However, contra dating is all about challenging this notion of like attracts like and intends to extend one’s dating choices, increasing the possibility of meeting one’s Mr or Miss Right.

What is contra dating?

According to Psychology Today, the new dating trend is about conquering your hesitation in dating people who are not your type or even opposite of what you ever imagined. This may not match with your fairytale romance idea, but can be extremely helpful in finding a person who could actually turn out to be perfect for you in real world. Contra dating can help present a lot of dating choices for you and allow you to venture in an unknown yet thrilling territory.

Tips to try contra dating successfully

Sign up for activities beyond your comfort zone: If you are a book lover, try joining maybe kickboxing classes to meet a person different from your temperament.

Do not compromise on values: While exploring partners outside of your type could help you meet the right one, to avoid making a wrong choice, people with different values must be avoided, as this could lead to clashes and conflicts later on.
Find a true connection: When you ignore the outer and focus on inner, there are chances you meet a person who accepts and respects you unconditionally. Trust and respect form the foundation of a successful partnership, and even if the person does not match the description of your ideal partner, they could turn out to be a better bet.
The idea of contra dating is to look beyond superficial, and focus on the real connection, something that can be sustained for a lifetime.