
5 lesser-known toxic relationship trends



When it comes to modern dating and relationships, things get as complicated as they can.

From love-bombing i.e. showing excessive love in the very beginning of a relationship to ghosting i.e. disappearing from a partner’s life without breaking-up or giving any reason, modern relationships are quite complex and definitely not for the faint-hearted people.

To help one navigate this strange world of love and dating, and to save yourself from heartbreaks, here we list some lesser-known toxic modern relationship trends one should know about:

1. Pocketing

Pocketing, as the term refers, is a dating trend wherein a person is hesitant to introduce his/her partner to their friends and family. And so, they deliberately keep their relationship a secret and avoid introducing their partner to people who are closest to them. The reason for such a strange behaviour could be many like not being sure of the relationship or fear of commitment, among others. Well whatever the reason be, one should be vary of their partner ‘pocketing’ them. Confront your partner for their shady behaviour, and if they do not fix their behaviour then it is better to move on from this toxic relationship.

2. Kitten-fishing

This is a milder type cat-fishing, wherein a person deliberately gives false information about them like their age, height, weight, etc on dating apps. They would also use false or old pictures to woo prospective partners. However, it is later when a person is emotionally invested that they get to know that they have been conned online.

3. Insta-gator

With the rise of social media, making a relationship Insta-official has become a thing these days. However, there are some people who tend to be so obsessed with publicising their relationship that even when things are going wrong between them and their partner, they project a completely different image for others online. For them, it is all about showing-off their relationship to the world and getting external validation while they have no spark with their partner.

4. Prowling

Prowling is the exact opposite of ghosting i.e. when a person break-ups with you without any explanation, and later returns– again without an apology or explanation! This toxic behaviour is sure to mess with a person’s mind, especially if they are too sensitive or emotional. If you find yourself in a similar situation where your (ex)partner decides to return one fine day, do not let them back into your life without a fair explanation.

5. Throning

In this toxic dating trend, a person decides to date/ be in a relationship with/ marry you only because it helps them improve their own social status. They do not love you genuinely, however, they decide to be with you only for gaining their own reputation in the society. Such people might treat you very well in front of others but when it is just the two of you, they might end up treating you poorly.