
Facebook cited as reason for divorces



Facebook is cited as one of the main reasons for United States divorces, according to new studies.

Infidelity could happen for many reasons. However, social media infidelity is one of the leading reasons for couples requesting a divorce from their partner.

Studies have pointed out social media’s supposed role.

Do you trust your partner with their social media accounts?

Can your partner trust your Facebook inbox?

Here’s how social media affects relationships and what you can do about trust in your personal relationships.

Facebook cited as ‘reason for divorce

According to studies, Facebook is cited as one of the main reasons for divorce.

Approximately one-third of United States divorces cite Facebook as the direct cause of the divorce. However, other social media platforms are also at fault.

Social media infidelity is common, and many people don’t consider online relationships cheating. But the internet still affects many lives!

However, many people consider social media cheating to be just as wrong as real-life infidelity.

Where do you side on this issue?

Facebook can be a reason for divorce. But many people have also met or formed relationships online.


According to Psychology Today, Facebook is a leading cause of relationship trust issues.

However, there are ways to build trust, even after cheating happens.

Speak to your partner, and be open about your concerns. Ask for the same openness to count both ways in your relationship.

You don’t have to let social media end your relationship.

However, you also don’t have to stay in damaging relationships.

Could Facebook end a marriage?

Social media doesn’t end a marriage but might worsen existing issues.

Facebook doesn’t make people cheat, but it can make it easier for someone to find ways to cheat. A relationship can’t flourish without trust. However, trust breaks when you don’t trust your partner’s social media.

Have social media websites ever affected your relationships?

Let us know your thoughts.

You can send us an email, however, you can also WhatsApp our number.

Social media is not ideal

Social media platforms aren’t just affecting cheaters, divorces, and relationships.

We have also reported on another common social media problem: catfishing.

Some scammers use social media as their avenue, and sometimes, this crosses over with people who are willing to cheat on their partners.

However, scammers also ‘catch’ honest people who are looking for love.

Always be careful on the internet!

However, let us know what you think.

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