This is the most expensive salt in the world

We use salt daily in the kitchen, and no dish is ever complete without it.
At the same time, salt is one of the cheapest ingredients compared to other spices found in the kitchen.
There are many types of salt: white salt, black salt, pink salt, kosher salt, smoked salt, pickling salt, and rock salt. Most homes cook with white and rock salt, costing only a token.
Did you know that apart from these prevalent variants, there is a salt in the world that costs thousands of money and its production takes about several days? Oh yes, but very few people know about this special precious salt.
In this article, we will introduce you to the most expensive salt in the world. You will be shocked to learn about its price and the intricate process involved in making it. Hardly anyone has heard about this extraordinary salt.
For your information, the most expensive salt in the world is known as Korean bamboo salt. It is prepared using a unique method that involves multiple steps.
Salt was highly expensive during British rule, but today, it is available at very low prices. Salt remains expensive in many foreign countries. Now, let us discuss the cost of the salt in this world that is considered the dearest—Korean bamboo salt.
The price is approximately $347.37 per kilogram internationally. Production takes a lot of manual labour. According to reports, around 45 to 50 days are taken to produce it. Korean bamboo salt, also known as Jugyom, is white in colour.
For many years, Koreans have been using bamboo for cooking and medicinal purposes. This special salt is also prepared using bamboo. The process involves filling hollow bamboo tubes with sea salt and roasting them over a high flame. This allows the minerals from the bamboo to infuse into the salt.
The roasting process is carried out at a temperature ranging from 800 to 1,500 degrees Celsius. Due to the high heat, the salt melts into a liquid form before being cooled and solidified. This entire process is repeated nine times, which is why it takes so long to produce. Korean bamboo salt contains essential minerals such as iron, calcium, potassium, and magnesium while not containing other materials that regular sea salt does; therefore, it is healthy. From a health point of view, this salt is considered superior because of its mineral content and the unique process of its preparation.