
6 serious causes of white bumps on lips



White bumps near the lips may seem harmless, but they can be a signal from your body about serious health issues.
These bumps can result from various causes that require attention and care.
These simple-looking but sometimes painful bumps on lips can be more than a cosmetic concern, signaling potential health issues and making it necessary to differentiate between the two.
Some common ones are listed below:
1. Fordyce spots: These are small, painless, white or yellowish spots caused by enlarged oil glands. They are harmless but often mistaken for a medical condition. These enlarged oil glands are often mistaken for abnormalities, but a doctor’s advice is required to check for other possibilities.

2. Canker sores: According to cosmetologist, “Painful ulcers that appear as white spots, triggered by injury or certain foods. They heal naturally but can be recurrent. These painful ulcers can also get triggered by taking too much stress.”

3. Oral thrush: Oral thrush is a fungal infection leading to white patches or bumps. A fungal infection caused by Candida leads to white patches or bumps inside the mouth and lips. It requires antifungal treatment.

4. MiliaTiny white cysts often found around the lips, caused by trapped keratin under the skin. These tiny cysts are formed when the protein in our body called keratin is stuck beneath the skin. These are typically harmless.

5. Cold sores: According to a cosmetologist, “Viral infections caused by HSV-1, appearing as fluid-filled white or yellowish bumps that are contagious and often painful. These fluid-filled bumps caused by the herpes simplex virus can be caused by sexual contact with the infected patient.”

6. Oral cancer: Persistent white patches or bumps on lips that don’t heal might indicate a serious condition like oral cancer. These persistent white lesions require urgent attention.
If you notice white bumps on your lips persisting or causing discomfort, consult a dermatologist or healthcare provider promptly to determine the cause and appropriate treatment.

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