
7 causes of high blood pressure which are not due to age



High blood pressure, when the blood pressure crosses the 120/80 mmHg, puts the body at a greater risk.

Many people assume that blood pressure is a sign of old age and they do absolutely nothing about it.

However, medically it has been proven that few factors of blood pressure are age independent.

1. Eating too much salt

Salt and blood pressure do not go hand in hand. High levels of sodium elevates the blood pressure level in the body. Our body needs sodium to function, but high levels of it are dangerous. We think of sodium when the discussion is around salts, it is because we consume sodium in the form of salt mostly. Since salt is detrimental to health we need to cut down its consumption mainly through packaged foods. Just like sugar, processed foods have lots of hidden salts in it.

2. Smoke or secondhand exposure to smoke

Smoking is injurious to health– we all have come across this line several times. But did you know exposure to secondhand smoking puts us at almost the same risk as smoking it directly? In any way the hazardous smoke is entering our system.

3. Obesity

A healthy body mass index is the indicator of sound health. Many people are not careful about their weight and are unaware of the disasters that are building in their body in due course of time. Not just high blood pressure, obesity is the reason behind several other health complications like diabetes, cardiovascular issues and others.

4. High fasting blood sugar

Did you know that a person with diabetes is four times more likely to have high blood pressure and is more likely to develop heart complications? As per a report available in the website of John Hopkins Medicine, about two-thirds of adults with diabetes have blood pressure greater than 130/80 mm Hg or use prescription medications for hypertension.

5. Too much alcohol

Consumption of alcohol has always been a debatable topic. Too much intake of alcohol puts the body at a higher risk of developing life threatening conditions. Health agencies have also cautioned that no amount of alcohol consumption is safe for the health.

6. Sedentary life

What happens to your body when you keep sitting for longer hours? Without any physical activity, the human body stops functioning in a normal way. Lack of physical activity and sedentary lifestyle is a major cause of deadly diseases related to major organ systems.

7. Less hours of sleep

Sleep is the body’s way of bringing it to rest and waking up after 7-8 hours fully energized. Depriving the body of sleep might help you to function in a normal manner for some days, but in the long run your body will crash due to stress caused by sleep deprivation. As much as it is important to keep the body going, it is important to give it the amount of rest it deserves to have.​

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