Kagiso lays criminal charges against gang leader, Ralph Stanfield
DJ Sumbody’s business partner Kagiso Setsetse opened a criminal case against Cape Town 28s gang leader, Ralph Stanfield.
Kagiso says Standfield has been threatening to kill him over Ayeyep in Cape Town.
“I did not take it lightly as I have heard horrifying stories about him, some of which he told me himself about. Losing my business partner in that dreadful manner created a lot of trauma and anxiety for my family and me. It is no secret that businessmen are not safe in our country,” he said.
According to Sunday World, Setsetse said he was introduced to Ralph by the late DJ Sumbody as he was going to be in charge of their security – protecting them and the business from gangsters.
However, he has gone from protecting them to forcing his way into the business and demanding shares in the club business despite receiving half a million rand monthly.
Kagiso said the demand was declined: “We asked him to pay for the shares but he refused. He instructed us to issue his mother-in-law, Barbara Johnson, with a share certificate. We issued the share certificate but decided against it before we could sign or register it at the CIPC.”
“Early April, Stanfield threatened me and tried to shutdown Ayepyep Cape Town by sending his alleged gangster employee by the name of Warren Lee Dennis. One of my managers pleaded with Lee and his wife not to close the business as there were customers already on the premises and artists were booked to perform.”
According to Setsetse, Ralph isn’t afraid of the law as he owns the Hawks and police, hence, nothing can be done about the complaints.
Stanfield also mentioned that if he reported the matter to the Hawks his contacts would inform him and toss away the case.