Somebody has rightly said, ‘Life is all about the choices we make.’

The decisions we take every single day, whether small or big, impact our life in one way or another and determine how our coming years would unfold.

It is simple— the better choices you make today, the better opportunity you have to lead a happy life.

To live your life at its best, here are six things we all need to stop doing.

1. Staying more online than offline

Our smartphones and laptops have become our fifth limb and it has practically impossible to imagine our life without them. But many of us are fail to strike a balance between the virtual and real world. Instead of spending time with our near and dear ones in real life (not online), creating memories (not sharing the ones that pop on our feed) and cherishing the present moment (rather than staying glued to phone for no reason), we are glued to the online world and are not enjoying the little things around us that might not be present after ten years.

2. ​Staying in a toxic relationship

Staying in a toxic relationship is bound to bring negativity in one’s life and can take a toll on mental health. Whether it your relationship with a friend, colleague, partner or neighbour, it is the wisest to step back the moment you realise it is no longer serving its purpose. Remember, your happiness lies in your own hands and by choosing to stay in an unhealthy relationship, you might be inviting years suffering and regret.

3. ​Not saving for a rainy day

Life is unpredictable and you never know what happens the very next moment. Hence, saving for a rainy day will make you financially secure and prepared for the unforeseen circumstances.

4. Slogging too much

We all want to step up the corporate ladder, earn and shop without seeing the price tag. To achieve our professional goals, many of us end up neglecting our family and friends. Instead of striving for a work-life balance, we overwork at office and forget to ‘live’ life. Do you think all your professional achievements would be worth it when you won’t have anyone by our side to share them with?

​5. Not prioritising your own needs

Many of us have this tendency of pleasing others and keep our own priorities on the back burner. We fail to practice self-love and do not realise that a happier us would make us a better partner, parent, friend and in turn, a satisfied individual. Instead of looking for love, validation, help or care from someone else, take charge of your life, pay attention to your needs, chase your dreams and be your own hero.

6. ​Following someone else’s path

Everyone makes their own choices in life, face different circumstances and in turn, have a unique journey. Following someone else’s footsteps and trying to be just like them, or comparing your life with someone else is only going to disrupt your peace of mind. It is good to get inspired from someone’s achievements, but trying to emulate them is not. Figure out your areas of strengths and weakness, what interests you, set your goals and enjoy the journey that is exclusive to you.

It’s never too late!

None of us can predict what life has in store for us ten years from now but we can surely make the most out of our present, and do things that bring us happiness in future as well. Just like having unhealthy food can prove to be bad for your tummy, unhealthy practices and behaviours can surely take a toll on your life. It’s never too late to shake things up to live an optimistic and blissful life, isn’t it?