
Zodwa Wabantu: Netizens raise eyebrows over controversial video


Zodwa Wabantu crowd-surfs into the crowd

Zodwa Wabantu triggered netizens again with a controversial video that has gone viral on social media.

On Monday, the South African star shared a video of herself at a show; she crowd-surfed at the event which led to a menace as described by viewers.

In the video, the entertainer allowed fans to touch her private areas while crowd-surfing.

Zodwa was pleased with the incident, but a majority of her followers and viewers were not impressed.

She was told to think about her son and legacy, but she cared less, as she is being paid for such activities at shows.

This isn’t the first time Zodwa Wabantu had such encounters at gigs, but she’s always cool with it.

Zodwa must be banned from clubs. She’s bad influence to the children and she keeps on humiliating the dignity of Black woman # Zodwa must be banned,” a Twitter user wrote.


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