
6 common food habits kids should avoid



We are living in a very fast paced world where people prefer convenience over quality and parents often face numerous challenges in ensuring that their kids maintain healthy eating habits. Food scams in particular are growing to be a major concern.
Food scams can be mainly categorized into two types- misleading marketing and unhealthy food products which are disguised as nutritious options.
Misleading marketing mainly involves tactics that make unhealthy products appear to be healthy through their deceptive packaging and claims.
Unhealthy food products often contain high levels of sugar, unhealthy fats, and artificial additives and are yet marketed in a way that appeals to both children and parents alike.
Take a look at important food habits that kids should avoid.
Habit 1- Overconsumption of sugary foods and beverages
Excessive sugar intake is one of the major concerns for children today and leads to obesity, dental problems and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Parents need to avoid giving their kids sugary snacks and drinks regularly. Instead opt for natural, whole foods like fruits as they will help providing essential nutrients along with natural sugars.

Habit 2- Relying on processed foods

Processed and packaged foods contain high levels of unhealthy fats, sodium, and preservatives. These foods lead to poor health conditions including heart disease and hypertension. Encourage your children to eat freshly prepared meals made from whole ingredients to ensure that you get all the necessary nutrients.
Habit 3- Frequenting fast food restaurants
Fast food is meant to be addictive and contains high levels of sugar, fat, and salt. Consuming fast food on a regular basis leads to weight gain and poor nutritional habits. Limit the visits to fast food restaurants and instead cook a homemade meal that is both nutritious and delicious.

Habit 4: Skipping breakfast

Skipping breakfast is one of the leading causes of poor concentration and performance in school as well as unhealthy snacking in the latter half of the day. Make sure you eat a balanced breakfast that is rich in proteins and healthy fats which will help in keeping you energized and focused throughout the day.
Habit 5: Mindless eating
Encourage mindful eating practices by having regular meal times and avoid distractions like television and smartphones during meals. This will help children pay more attention to their hunger and prevent overeating.

Habit 6: Rewarding with junk food

Use junk food as a reward reinforcing the idea that unhealthy food is desirable. Find non-food rewards for good behaviour like extra playtime, a favourite activity or gifting them a small toy.
In a world where food scams are rising at an alarming rate it is important for parents to be vigilant and stay informed about the food choices they make for their kids. By understanding the deceptive tactics that are used in marketing and the unhealthy nature of many convenience foods, parents will be able to avoid common pitfalls and will be able to promote healthier eating habits. Emphasizing whole foods, regular family meals, and mindful eating practices can go a long way in ensuring that children develop a healthy relationship with food that will benefit them throughout their lives.

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