Following a diet plan is not a cake walk.

It calls for discipline and dedication in terms of eating healthy and at the right time for desired results. One such diet plan that has become a fad for a few years is ‘Keto diet’.

Also known as ‘low-carb diet’ or ‘low-carb-high-fat’ (LCHF) diet, this rigorous eating plan involves a major reduction of carbohydrate intake and is replaced with fat.

This diet plan calls for a well-stocked pantry and fridge in order to make the best of it.

Here, we are going to guide you about what all should be there in your fridge and why, when you are on a keto diet. Have a look.

1. Dairy

Milk and yogurt are harmful for keto diet as they contain high natural sugars. For keto-friendly, plant-based milk and yogurts are easily available in the market. You can also stock cheese to get eight essential nutrients found in dairy foods, including potassium.

2. Vegetables

Keto diet is incomplete without a dose of anti-inflammation foods and the best way to get this is through vegetables. You can easily stock up on vegetables like spinach, celery, lettuce, arugula, Swiss chard, avocado, asparagus, mushrooms, radishes, cabbage and cucumbers. They can be easily added to any meal to fulfil the keto diet requirements.

3. Meat

According to experts, bacon and lamb are two good options for people following keto diet. They both contain potentially beneficial CLA’s (conjugated linoleic acids) and are lower in saturated fats. They are also rich in protein that helps in balancing keto protein restrictions.

4. Fruits

If you believe that keto diet will allow you to eat all fruits, here’s an eye opener. In keto diet, all sweet fruits are off limits. But you can stock up on lemons, frozen berries, plums, oranges, peaches and cantaloups to fullfill your craving for fruits. They all have the lowest natural sugar content and are thus recommended to ketogenic people.

5. Fish

For those who are on keto diet, it is necessary to stock up on frozen fish as they are rich in anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats that is important for your body. You can stock up on oily salmon, mackerel, trout, walleye, sea bass, Barramundi and halibut.

6. Condiments

It is important to remove all sugar-based condiments like ketchup and sauces and opt for probiotic-rich options. Probiotic food is important because it improves the gut condition. The best options in this category are miso, kimchi, refrigerated sauerkraut, sour pickles and soft cheese.