
How often do you change your bedding?



Are you wondering how often you should change your bed linen? It turns out that most people do it too rarely.

We spend an average of one-third of our day in bed. And although we usually go to bed after a bath, a lot of dirt accumulates on our pillowcases and sheets.

The dirt can be dangerous to our health. That is why it is so important to change our bed linen frequently.

Regularly changing your bedding helps get rid of sweat, other body secretions, hair, animal fur, and dead skin. We leave all of this behind in our beds. A bedding that has not been changed for too long is an ideal environment for bacteria and fungi to grow, which are dangerous to health.

Microbiologists recommend changing your bedding at least once a week. Sleeping in dirty bedding for too long can result in skin diseases, allergies, or asthma.

Pillowcases and sheets should be changed to clean ones every seven days, although you can do it more often. Most people do it much less often. This can cause frequent throat or skin problems.

Changing your bed linen every week may seem like a chore, but microbiologists say it’s absolutely necessary.

Frequent change of bedding to clean ones will have a positive effect on our health and well-being, and will also serve our beauty. Not everyone is aware, but an infrequently washed pillowcase can cause pimples on the face or exacerbate acne.

If you have any skin problems, whether oily, dry or sensitive, pay special attention to changing your bedding regularly. After just a few weeks, you will notice a significant difference.

Long-term unchangeable bedding also contributes to hair becoming greasy. What good is it that you wash your hair regularly if it is in contact with a dirty pillowcase for long hours at night? It is worth bearing this in mind and remembering to wash your bedding frequently.

Besides, sleeping on clean sheets is simply more pleasant. Why deprive yourself of that luxury?

To remove all dirt, as well as bacteria and fungi, bedding should be washed at a high temperature. It is recommended that it be at least 60 degrees Celsius. Lower temperatures are not able to completely deal with dangerous microorganisms.

In addition to washing your bedding weekly, it is also worth airing it out. Ideally, you should do it every day. In no case should you make your bed right after getting up. It is worth shaking the bedding out a few times and waiting at least 10 minutes.

All these rules seem troublesome, but following them can protect against many unpleasant ailments.

It is also worth remembering to keep the mattress clean. This is much more difficult. You can’t just throw it in the washing machine and set the appropriate program. So what should we do?

Sprinkle the mattress with baking soda. We will refresh it this way and remove all bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms that could have nested there. Soda will deal with them brilliantly.

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