We’ve had enough of the benefits of the humble fruit that not only keeps us healthy but also holds a revolutionary history of the discovery of gravitational force.

But, we hardly know that the healthy fruit itself has some shocking and interesting facts that are unique in its own way.

From poisonous seeds to thousand varieties, apple has some really interesting and unbelievable facts associated to it.

Scroll below to read how interesting the fruit is.

1. Poisonous seeds

The healthy fruit has a poisonous element inside. The seeds of an apple contain a fatal poison called ‘Cyanide’. A study reveals that you need to chew approx 200 seeds to affect you.

2. Ripening time

Well, this fruit calls for some patience, if you really wish to grow it in your farmhouse on the hills. It takes around 10 years for an apple seed to grow into a fruit. 

3. Fear of eating

Shocked? Don’t be. There actually exists a phobia of eating apples which is known as Malusdomesticaphobia. 

4. Varieties across the world

Did you know that there are about 7500 varieties of apple all across the world? Are you ready to explore all of them? 

5. Mythological beliefs

According to Norse mythology, apples are the symbols of eternal youth.

6. Accidental apple pie

You will be surprised to know that apple pie is not an American invention, rather it belongs to Europe. In 1930, first apple pie recipe came from England and according to the preparation; the crust was added to hold the dish and was not supposed to be eaten. But it turned out to be more delicious than the pie and became a part of the dish.

7. Apple floats

The reason behind why apple floats is, that it’s less dense than water. A study says that 26% of its volume is nothing but air. When you place an apple on water, it displaces an amount of water which weighs the same as the whole apple.