Think about it, I mean. Early dating serves the dual purposes of getting to know the other person and determining compatibility.
Consider this a trial run to evaluate how you connect outside of sexually-charged dinners since being in an exclusive relationship often requires spending many days (not just nights!) together. Everyone has free time in the evenings, but you can truly get to know someone during the day. A day date is full of possibilities.
Here’s everything you should know before bringing your fourth date out of the bedroom and into the light, from why your date should start in the morning to advice for organizing an adventure that you’re both enthused about.
What exactly is a day date, and what is it not?
You guessed it right – a day date is the one that happens during the day. The hitch is that this isn’t simply a brief gathering; we’re not talking about breakfast followed by a bounce. The goal of this date is to do something other than watching Netflix on the sofa or going to bed the entire day.
Planning a few different activities is the greatest strategy for a day date to help you get to know someone better. This implies that you should be explicit about the expectation that you will spend the full day together out and about when discussing your fourth date. Grab a late brunch, visit a museum, go for a stroll in the park, and then grab some coffee before easing into the nighttime activities. Yes, if all goes well, a daytime date can become an evening one.
Why specifically the fourth date?
You should be able to tell by the fourth date if there is sexual tension and chemistry between you. And while many people value a physical connection, it’s also crucial to assess if you have an emotional bond, particularly if you’re considering a long-term or exclusive relationship. The fourth date is also far enough along that you’re probably very comfortable with one another but yet early enough that you’re still in ideal “This has been so fun, but I don’t really feel a connection” area if any red flags arise. The time is yet right to let them down gently.
In addition, you’ve already gone on three dates that were sexually appealing. Ideally, by date four, you feel secure enough to introduce yourself as you are. Since you’ll likely be moving around a lot during the day, you’ll probably be wearing more comfortable clothing, and you won’t have the libation bravery to maintain the flirtatious atmosphere that pre-dinner beverages provide. The only way to determine if your personalities mesh is via conversation and the chance to bond over activities like people-watching and standing in line for a late-afternoon Starbucks order.