Make him marry you in 4 easy steps
The path to marriage can sometimes require shifts in dynamics to ensure both...
How to make shea butter hair cream
Natural hair girlies all know the struggle when it comes to growing long,...
5 effective remedies to reduce uric acid levels
Uric acid is a natural waste product formed by the breakdown of foods...
What is dry promotion, the new trend at workplace?
From quiet quitting to boomeranging, the workplace has seen many trends over the...
Top tips on how to enjoy the Cape Town Jazz Festival
With days to go to the 21st staging of the Cape Town International...
Vampire facials: How your own blood can give you smooth, wrinkle-free skin
The vampire facial, also known as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, offers a tempting...
This is why juice must not be consumed on an empty stomach
After waking up early in the morning, we all want to consume something...
7 mistakes that exposes your personal life to online stalkers
Smartphones have become an indispensable tools that people use everyday, but it can...
How to use fresh milk in your beauty routine
Incorporating fresh milk into your beauty routine can yield numerous benefits for your skin, hair,...
10 smartphone battery-draining habits you need to kick off
Smartphones have become tools for communication, productivity, and entertainment that people use on...
5 reasons why arranged marriages may not work in this modern era
Arranged marriages have been a traditional practice in many cultures worldwide, but as...
7 reasons you have cramps but no period
We all know the drill – cramps, bloating, mood swings – the not-so-fun...
You can’t grow in your career if you don’t master these 7 skills
Interestingly, hard work is not the only trait that helps a professional to...
Yellow or green bananas, which are healthiest for you?
Do you like bananas? If so, bravo, it’s an extremely healthy fruit. However,...
Here’s what happens when you read a book every day
We all know the feeling: curling up with a good book, getting lost...
Men who lack interest in s*x may have risk of early death, study says
A new study conducted among men living in Japan has found that a...
Planning a solo trip? Start with these 10 destinations
Travelling alone is one of life’s most rewarding – and sometimes embarrassing –...
10 strange rules the British royal family members must never break
The British royal family began with King Æthelstan in 927 A.D. and is...
Avoid these 4 terrible tips if you plan to lose weight
We most often repeat dietary myths about weight loss, which, despite our determination,...
Why people still have s*x with their exes and how to move on
Some former couples stay in contact, sometimes even continuing sexual activity. They may...
What to do if you accidentally put too much salt in your food
We’ve all been there. You’re cooking a delicious meal, feeling like a top chef, when...