Which fruit or vegetable juice is best for weight loss?
When it comes to weight loss, juices are something that comes to our...
8 things you shouldn’t do while going through a divorce
Worried about what you should or shouldn’t do during your divorce? The divorce...
What to do with your first salary of the year
If you are a salary earner, it’s safe to assume you just got...
What to wear to a wedding: The dos and don’ts
When you attend a friend or family member’s wedding, the intention to be...
10 beauty benefits of peanuts
Peanuts are an excellent source of nutrition and are considered a wonder food...
5 best countries in the world for women to live
Women go through a lot in any country with repressive and discriminatory traditions...
The 6 best egg substitutes for baking
The egg is one of the most common ingredients for cooking and baking....
7 signs you’re settling for a guy who’s all wrong for you
When it comes to a relationship, there are a lot of things that...
4 new summer alcoholic beverages to try before the season ends
The best way to cool down mid-summer is with a cold beverage. Below...
5 smart cleaning hacks with tomato ketchup
Cooking with tomato ketchup may seem like a regular affair, but what if...
5 signs you just had pity s*x!
Do you sometimes feel your partner is having sex just for the sake...
How to keep stomach ailments at bay while travelling
One health issue that can ruin your travel arrangements and vacation time is...
5 places where Valentine’s day is banned
Do you know that there are some places in the world where Valentine’s...
How to leave a relationship gracefully
No matter how great a relationship is going initially, sometimes there comes a...
10 amazing facts about rooibos tea
Known as Red Tea or Red Bush Tea, this remarkable tea from South...
How to maintain good v*ginal hygiene with an infection
There is a way to care for your underwear when you have a...
4 reasons to include Zambia on your travel list
Africa is one of the most beautiful continents in the world. What makes...
Eat these soaked superfoods on empty stomach to boost immunity
The term “superfoods” refers to foods that are nutrient-dense and low on calories....
5 food you should swap for weight loss diet
When you are on your weight loss diet, there’s no need to say...
4 ways to reset your sleep schedule after holidays
While holidays can be a lovely time of rest and relaxation, they are...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...