8 food storage tips to make your groceries last longer
According to Stats SA, inflation is at an all-time high this year, resulting in...
September is suicide prevention month, here are facts and helpful tips
Times are hard but suicide isn’t the solution. September is suicide prevention month...
How to tell someone you like them without ruining the friendship
Developing a crush on a friend can be the start of a wonderful...
6 important reasons why you need to quit your stable job
Has your mind recently been swirling around leaving your job, even if it...
4 conditions when you should avoid oiling your scalp
Hair oiling is considered sacrosanct to healthy hair practices. It was believed that...
STI symptoms: These changes in hair and mouth could signal syphilis
Syphilis is a well known sexually transmitted infection (STI), which is most commonly...
6 must-know makeup tricks
Everyone wants to look their best and have a super amazing skin. Women...
5 reasons men get so angry when women cheat
When we read or engage in conversations about cheating, we can clearly see...
Yoga vs. Pilates: How to know which one’s best for you?
When it comes to fitness, regular exercise and physical activity is of utmost...
What your favorite s*xual position says about you
In a perfect world, all sex would be good sex. While that’s sadly...
Corn for weight loss: 6 reasons why it may be good for you
Corn is a widely available and beloved crop that is consumed as part...
Easy recipe: Vegan chocolate chip cookies
If you are tired of sugary snacks and are in need of a...
The scariest things about dating a man with anger issues
Dating a man with anger issues isn’t just frustrating, it can be downright...
3 types of people who should eat raw onions regularly
Onions, garlic, shallots, and leeks are all members of the Allium genus. The...
5 positive parenting techniques that are great alternatives to punishment
Many parents, in a bid to discipline their children, tend to use punishment...
6 food habits that can affect male fertility
Did you know that your diet has a direct impact on the quality...
What not to do while meeting your boyfriend’s parents for the first time
Nothing can quite arrival the nerves you feel when you meet your prospective...
How social media is changing you
Social media is neutral evil or chaotic good, depending on how you use...
4 signs to notice if you are being ‘roached’ in your relationship
You could think you’re the only one your lover is bonding with on...
Why you should visit Mauritius on your next holiday
With so few people, and an abundance of open spaces for recreation, time...
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to keep her children in South Africa
Denise Zimba loses legal battle to her estranged husband Jakob Schlichtig. The marriage ended after...