A history of engagement rings and alternatives to diamonds
In ancient Rome, women wore rings made of ivory, bone, copper, and iron...
Here’s why women live longer than men
Everyone wants to live a longer, healthier life, but it’s easy to feel...
Did you know you can get a passport for your pet
Many people don’t know that pets, like humans, may need special documents when...
5 things to do every morning before looking at your phone
About 80% of smartphone users check their phones within the first 15 minutes...
Why people with mouth odour can’t smell their own bad breath
Bad breath is something most people feel embarrassed about, yet it’s more common...
Top 5 fashion content creators to follow for style inspiration
Fashion is a fun way to express yourself. Without incorporating your taste, clothes...
People who use too much social media have higher levels of celebrity worship, study says
People who are obsessed with celebrities are more likely to engage in addictive...
5 effective ways to heal and move on from a failed relationship
Moving on from your partner can be painful and challenging. However, there are...
Here’s the most expensive city to live in Africa
According to Statista, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, is ranked as the most expensive city...
Why do some people wake up between 3-5am?
If you’ve ever struggled to fall back asleep between 3 and 5 a.m.,...
5 common skincare mistakes that are ageing you faster
Most of us want to keep our skin looking young and healthy for...
This country plans to ban social media for kids under 16
In a move that is likely to bring relief to parents, the Australian...
7 tips to beat birthday depression
Do you usually experience a wave of sadness when it’s your birthday? It’s...
8 reasons why women must add nutmeg to warm milk
Since ages, we have been told about the numerous benefits of drinking milk...
Why some people fear commitment and how to handle it
When it comes to relationships, the idea of being tied to one person...
5 animals with the best memory
You might have heard the saying, ‘An elephant never forgets, but they aren’t...
Why South Africa is the hottest music destination
There’s an abundance of different kinds of music in the world. Music is...
4 essential nutrition tips for hiking
Hiking is a fantastic activity that allows us to connect with nature, explore...
5 health problems people can develop from crying
We’ve heard that crying is good for the body, but did you know...
How to easily tell if an egg has gone bad
Eggs are a staple in many kitchens around the world. They’re affordable, nutritious,...
These 8 countries are so small, you can tour them in 24 hours!
Have you ever imagined exploring an entire country in just one day? While most nations...