5 ways you are making s*x boring for your spouse
S*x can be very boring if you don’t shake things up. There may...
6 Chinese dishes that are known to be world-famous
Food is not just for filling the stomach, but it takes you to...
3 beautiful South African destinations for an Easter escape
Looking for an Easter escape? We’ve got you covered! Make the most of the...
Why the second born child is usually troublesome
When a first child is born, everything is new and exciting but that...
6 pro tips to get smoother, softer butt cheeks
The desire for a smoother, firmer, and more toned butt cheek is not...
How to eat healthy and remain fit during Ramadan
Millions of Muslims around the world pray and fast during Ramadan from sunset...
WhatsApp to users: Doing these 6 things can get you banned
WhatsApp is one of the most popular messaging apps around the world. The app...
6 reasons why you should never propose in a restaurant
Deciding where and when to propose to your (hopefully) future spouse is always...
Why do people consume fish on Good Friday?
As the Easter weekend approaches, it signals a time for feasting and celebrating...
4 medical tests men in their 30s should take
Most of us men do not think of the consequences that our two-pack-a-day...
5 smart tips to make homemade pizza healthy
Are you a die-hard fan of pizza, but often feel guilty after gorging...
6 reasons why you should give your partner a chance to miss you!
This may not come as a surprise that when a couple spends too...
10 things you didn’t know about Xhosa language
Spoken mostly in South Africa, but also in Lesotho, Zimbabwe, and other areas...
According to a survey, TikTok is Gen Z’s favorite app and brand
Gen Zs are the reigning generation and include those born between 1997-2012. This...
Why you should avoid drinking coffee before boarding a flight
What’s your travel ritual or in simple words how do you prefer starting...
How to tell if your partner have STD
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are more common than...
5 myths about retinol you need to stop believing
Retinols are a popular skincare ingredient that is known for its ability to...
4 ways to save energy while cooking and preparing meals
When it comes to the main drainers of energy, the kitchen is one...
World’s unhappiest jobs, according to Harvard
The unhappiest jobs are also some of the loneliest, according to an 85-year study from...
The best way to deal with crazy people
No matter who you are or your status or role; there will be...
Do you know how cutting cake on a birthday became a tradition?
For most of us, it is difficult to imagine birthday celebrations without cutting a delicious...